Friday 12 June 2015

HHI, Kolkata: When Coffee Became More Than Just Steaming Cup!

Coffee is well-known as a stress-buster and has been drunk across the world in many countries since a long time. For example, the cowboys in the USA of 1800s used to wake up by drinking a scalding cup of black coffee. The Australians, especially the rangers in the Outback, made it a habit to stay awake whenever the need arose by drinking coffee. Coffee for Indians is a ‘foreign drink’ that has been ‘customized’ by people living in its Southern part. In the Eastern part, drinking coffee has become synonymous with spending an enjoyable time at Mythh – the coffee shop of the HHI, Kolkata, one of the luxurious hotels in Kolkata.

Mythh (the spelling is intentional) has become the brand identity of coffee shops around Kolkata to the extent that famous coffee chains like Café Coffee Day and Barista are rethinking their marketing strategies for pulling in customers who are increasingly preferring to visit Mythh instead.

The USP of Mythh lies in the fact that it is more than just a shop that serves coffee. Rather, it serves edible fantasies hailing from three different regions of the planet: India, Pan Asia and Europe.

Further, it tears down the notion of conventionality by serving drinks at its zesty bar called ‘Onyx’. What makes it more interesting is the fact that the bar behaves like an expert one by providing a vast range of options in terms of stereotypical brands and unconventional ones – both drinks and cocktails.
Coffee shops present at the hotels in Kolkata are nothing something new at all – since the time of ‘VAT 69’, they have been in existence. In fact, during those bygone days, coffee shops used to be strictly dedicated to serving coffee along with a few bites to eat like Sandwich and Burger.

Today, the situation in the coffee-shop scenario in Kolkata is one that features Mythh and its brethren serving foods and drinks in addition to coffee and pastries.

This blog would be incomplete without mentioning another endeavor of Mythh – the hosting of food and beverage events! It has recently organized the Saturday Supper & Sunday Luncheon. This festival as the name suggests brought forth a delicious assortment of Mythh’s best dishes for a supple supper on a Saturday or a bingeing-ahoy brunch on a Sunday. Mythh truly symbolizes versatility among the hotels in Kolkata.


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