Tuesday 3 November 2015

Parties are a Breeze with the Underground at the HHI

A discotheque is a storehouse of revelry and enjoyment but it is also not averse to clichés pertaining to the stereotypical perception about them: Dance, drink and go utterly wild. This statement would have been completely correct in the absence of the HHI group of hotels. HHI runs the Underground which unlike other discs has maintained a completely unique set of USPs and all of them entail a completely new look to the overall concept of discotheques. The Underground is operating at HHI’s establishment among the hotels in Kolkata.

The Underground is no typical discotheque but one that features a score of innovative features that ensure that even the most glum faces are filled with laughter and smiles. The dance floor of this place is quite spacious and, therefore, enables a large number of people at any point of time. Further, the music that is played is not just dance tracks on CDs. The place actually features live performances by nationally famous DJs, namely DJ Lemon, DJ Sasha, and DJ Aqeel. Further, the incorporation of theme-based events adds a further glow of enjoyment to this place, which at any time of the year, stays filled with dancing feet.

People at the Underground are never faced with the situation of having a grand time but with an empty stomach. This is because the place also boasts about an inter-continental cuisine in addition to the Indian cuisine and its family of barbequed goodies.

Therefore, a person who visits Underground is given two platforms for absolute enjoyment: the former is shaped in the form of a heavenly dance floor coupled with ravishing music while the latter is present as a collection of simply mouthwatering goodies from different parts of the country and the world – it does no matter really, after all, each and every one of them are heavenly in taste. Hence, it is no surprise at all that the Underground ranks high among the reputable nightclubs at the hotels in Kolkata.


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